Our Commitment to Our People – and Yours
At Active Washrooms we are appalled that there’s a need for such a term as ‘modern slavery’ or for the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This statement of our determination to trade ethically and strive for the protection of human rights in everything we do is in accordance with – but certainly not limited by – the spirit and the specific legal requirements of the act:
Active Servicing UK Limited T/a Active Washrooms opposes slavery in all its forms – and we recognise our responsibility to understand the associated risks in our industry as well as our duty to take steps to eliminate them. This statement is made pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps Active Group has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking has no place and does not take place in any part of its business or its supply chain.
Active Group constantly re-assesses, refines and reports on its wider efforts to protect human rights, ensure ethical trading and prevent modern slavery. Furthermore, we work closely with our subsidiaries to achieve our shared goals in this regard.
Human rights, ethical trading and modern slavery
As part of our commitment to human rights and ensuring that slavery and human trafficking have no place in our business and its supply chain we insist that all of our business partners, suppliers and stakeholders agree to adhere to our strict code of ethical conduct. This is an integral and binding part of our terms and conditions of supply and all policy documents – therefore we will not deal with any person or organisation that does not agree with and adhere to that code.
We apply this policy rigorously and pro-actively through numerous measures, including, but not limited to:
- Constantly monitoring the manufacturers of our products around the world to ensure they are operating in accordance with international labour and safety standards – as well as with our own code.
- Continually updating the written policies and procedures we have developed to maintain appropriate safeguards against the mistreatment of anyone in our domestic business or supply chain
- Written policies that strictly prohibit the use of slavery or human trafficking in any of our partners’ own supply chains.
- An ethical supplier code of conduct requiring all our suppliers to sign up to a sustainability clause, which details all requirements relating to forced labour, slavery and human trafficking.
- Focus on and awareness of issues such as Child Labour Avoidance, Freely Chosen Employment and Freedom of Association in line with the Modern Slavery Act.
- Third party audits (compliance is independently measured and verified via Sedex, with the right at any time to request evidence supporting adherence to our sustainability and modern slavery clauses).
The Board of Directors approved this statement on 02 January 2024.
This Modern Slavery Policy was last updated on 2nd January 2024.